时间:2022-02-14 05:42:15 点击: 次 来源:网络 作者:佚名 - 小 + 大
⬇️ 以前看过一部很有意思的皮克斯电影,叫作《头脑特工队》。 它讲述了小女孩莱利,因为爸爸的工作变动而搬到旧金山,她的生活受头脑中的5位情绪小人所掌控的故事。 莱利脑海里的5个小人分别是:Joy、Sadness、Anger、Disgust 和 Fear,代表着人体内最常见的5种情绪,小女孩的主人格是 Joy,因而日常生活中的她总是一个乐天派。 但这并不代表她没有悲伤和愤怒,她也有对突然远离老家和朋友的不舍。 一次意外,她情绪中的 Joy 和 Sadness 走失了,其他的三个小人开始乱作一团,主导她的情绪。这段时间的莱利变得消沉又暴躁......因此而引发了一系列既闹腾又治愈的故事。 你有没有像莱利这样沮丧而易怒的经历呢?总是被负面情绪支配,就好象你脑海中的“快乐”也走失了一样。如果有的话,不妨在评论区倾诉一下~ 今天,我们就一起跟着 外教 Colin 老师 和 Cecilia老师来聊聊“生气”这个话题,并学习有关的英语表达吧⬇️ 一定一定要点开音频 对照笔记一起学习,效果最好。 01. 气坏了 Bent out of shape - to become very angry or upset. I'm not getting bent out of shape because people don't respect my opinion. I'm used to that. 我没有因为别人不尊重我的观点而生气,我已经习惯了。 Don't get bent out of shape. I didn't mean to do that. 别生气!我不是这个意思。 02. 闲聊 Shooting the breeze To spend time talking about things that are not important We sat out on the porch, just shooting the breeze. 我们坐在外面的门廊上闲聊。 It was nice to shoot the breeze with you. See you next time. 很高兴和你聊天。下次见! 03. 勃然大怒 Fly off the handle - to suddenly become very angry You have to be very careful because he flies off the handle very easily. 你需要小心一点,因为他很容易生气。 Don't fly off the handle at me! It's not my fault you failed the exam. 别迁怒于我。你考试失利不怪我。 04. 头脑冷静的 Level-headed-able to be calm in difficult situations He's very level-heade. He never gets too high or too low temper. 他很冷静的。他从来都没有过高或者过低的情绪。 Let's be level-headed about this and think of what we can do to fix the problem. 让我们冷静一下,想想我们能做些什么来解决这个问题。 05. 失控 Lose it To stop being able to control your emotions and suddenly start to shout, cry, or laugh. After she saw Justin Bieber, she just lost it; she was so happy. 在她看到贾斯汀比伯之后,她失控了,简直要开心疯了。 If he insults me one more time, I'm going to lose it! 如果他再侮辱我一次,我就要生气了。 06. 情绪失控 Lose one's temper/cool - to become very angry I had to call in sick today because I can't move without wanting to vomit. 当我觉得要发脾气的时候,我就会离开房间。 Hey man, don't lose your cool, it's just a small mistake. 嘿,伙计,别生气,这只是个小错误。 07. 使某人恼火 Tick sb off - a phrasal verb meaning to annoy someone It really ticks me off when she doesn't keep her promises. 她不遵守诺言真让我恼火。 she was ticked off at me because I was late again. 她因为我又迟到而骂我。 08. 废话连篇 Flap one's gums Talk a lot without saying anything important or thinking about what is being said. Well, I can't sit here flapping my gums all day. I need to get back to work. 我总不能整天坐在这儿废话连篇吧。我得回去工作了。 No one wants to hear you flapping your gums first thing in the morning. 没人愿意一大早就听到你废话连篇。 09. 搬弄是非的 catty (adj)- unkind speech She's always making catty remarks about her sister. 她总是说她妹妹的坏话。 10. 重要的事 Big deal - something important Don't worry about it. It's not a big deal. 别担心!这不是什么重要的事。 Why is he making a big deal out of it? 他为什么要小题大做? 11. 为某事针对自己而不悦 Take sth personally To consider something insulting to you. These criticisms should not be taken personally. 这些批评不应该是针对个人的。 Don't take it personally. I'm just trying to help you. 别往心里去。我只是想帮你。 12. 痛斥;猛击 Lash out A phrasal verb meaning to suddenly attack someone or something physically or criticize him, her, or it in an angry way. I was only teasing him and suddenly he lashed out at me and hit me in the face. 我只是逗他玩,突然他就猛打我,还打了我的脸。 Why's Tina in such a bad mood? She really lashed out at me when I was late for work. 蒂娜为什么心情这么差?我上班迟到时,她狠狠地骂了我一顿。 13. 贬低、侮辱 diss (v) To say or do something that shows a lack of respect for someone and is often intended to insult. Why do you have to diss me like that? 你为什么要那样侮辱我? she was ticked off at me because I was late again. 别贬低她了。她不值得。 14. 大发雷霆 Blow one's top To become very angry, often quickly. Oh man, Dad is going to blow his top when he sees that I wrecked his car! 天哪,爸爸要是看到我把他的车撞坏了,他一定会大发脾气的。 She's likely to blow her top if her demands aren't met. 如果她的要求得不到满足,她可能会大发雷霆。 送福利啦! https://xw.qq.com/cmsid/20210718A0113E00 |